127 GUEST: How to Be Relevant to Your Prospects and Customers, with Bill Cates
Our prospects and customers receive thousands of marketing messages every day, and ignore most of them. The ONLY chance we have of getting attention is by being relevant.
Today’s guest, Bill Cates, is an expert at the messaging to use to help you grab attention by personalizing your messaging so that prospects feel it is all about them and has value.
You’ll hear a simple process to use right now to create messaging you can use in your voice mails, emails, and call openings.
Hear Bill’s Quote of the Day at [39:36].
Download Bill’s Exponential Growth Guide here.
Take Bill’s Radical Relevant Quiz to see how relevant you are.
Bill’s main website is ReferralCoach.com
Bill Cates has been an entrepreneur for almost 40 years. He has started, built, and sold two successful book publishing companies.
After the sale of his second publishing company, Bill devoted the last 25 years to the art and science of relationship marketing. He has three books on the topic of referrals: Get More Referrals Now, Don’t Keep Me a Secret, and Beyond Referrals.
As the founder of The Cates Academy for Relationship Marketing – Bill has become widely recognized as an international expert in his ability to help businesses create exponential growth through purposeful word of mouth, strategic networking, referrals, and personal introductions.
Bill has now turned his attention to helping businesses and professionals develop and communicate more relevant and compelling value propositions to win more ideal clients or customers. His newest book is Radical Relevance – Sharpen Your Marketing Message, Cut Through the Noise, Win More Ideal Clients.
Get Bill’s Book, “Radical Relevance”