191 GUEST: How to Use Improv to Be More Effective in Sales, with Gina Trimarco
We need to plan our sales messaging for sure, but much of our calls rely on reacting and responding. But many salespeople find it challenging to get off script, be spontaneous, and think on their feet.
Master improv instructor, Gina Trimarco discusses how to leverage the same techniques that actors and comedians use to improvise in the moment while on stage and still appear brilliant (and on script) to the audience.
Gina Trimarco
Gina Trimarco is a Senior Master Trainer and the Director of Coaching Programs at Sales Gravy.and leadership strategist who helps organizations re-humanize relationships through Improvised Intelligence™ (improv-based emotional intelligence). Gina has dedicated her career to helping people learn to become more agile communicators through the power of improv. She brings 25+ years of experience in marketing, sales, business operations and people management to progressive organizations that are ready to go from status quo to status “Let’s Go”. Prior to joining Sales Gravy, Gina was a serial start-up entrepreneur as the founder of Carolina Improv Company (improv comedy theater and school since 2008) and Pivot10 Results (leadership and sales training agency). She produces and co-hosts Women Your Mother Warned You About, the podcast that "makes business sexy again" in addition to producing and co-hosting The Pivotal Leader podcast. She is a native Chicagoan, graduated from DePaul University in addition to training at Second City. Gina's website: GinaTrimarco.com
Gina's free "Book of Play" ebook
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