265 GUEST How to Present Like a Pro, with Michael Angelo Caruso
The ability to speak and communicate masterfully is one of our greatest assets in sales, and really life in general.
Michael Angelo Caruso teaches people how to be better speakers and presenters so they can help more people and amp up their careers.
In this episode he shares not only valuable presentation tips, but also some pure sales gold about questioning, closing, and proposals.
Here are the links Michael mentioned:
Website: https://www. michaelangelocaruso.com
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/michaelangelocaruso
Present Like a Pro Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/ groups/PresentLikeAProGroup
Get More Speaking gigs online course: https://activate.
Presentation checklist: https://www. michaelangelocaruso.com/ presentation-checklist
Michael’s Present Like a Pro speaking class link to apply: www.MichaelAngeloCaruso.com/ talk
Listen by Clicking Here (34:13)
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