305 GUEST: How to Easily Make “Happy” and “Positive” Your Default Modes, with MK Mueller
MK Mueller has changed lives worldwide with her “8 to Great” simple methodology for having a positive attutude, ALL of the time.
As salespeople, we know that our attitude has more of an effect on our results, and income, than any sales process or technique.
MK shares tips, stories, and how-to exercises than anyone can implement right now to get and keep our attitude at high levels.
About MK Mueller
MK Mueller is an internationally respected authority on empowerment,
communication and leadership. She is a TEDx presenter and the
author of several award-winning books, including “8 to Great: The
Powerful Process for Positive Change,” and “Taking Care of Me: The
Habits of Happiness.”
Today her 8 to Great success skills process is taught by over 4000
certified trainers and business coaches around the world. Meanwhile,
she’s been named a Heartland Hero for her service to at-risk families.
These days she shares her life-transforming material through her
keynotes, books, K-12 school curriculum and her 8 to Great Life
Coach Certification Training.
See more about MK and contact her at 8ToGreat.com.