069 GUEST: He’s Going for 1000 No’s This Summer; Leo Quinn
One of the biggest fears of salespeople–or anyone–is hearing NO.
Our guest today, Leo Quinn, is embracing the “Go for No” philosophy and is on a mission to hear 1000 NO’s in the summer of 2019.
You’ll hear what is he doing, why, what he has experienced and learned, and how he has changed.
And, you will be more motivated to put yourself out there more, laugh at no’s, and get more success as a result.
Listen to the Quote of the Day at [29:13]
Visit Leo’s page at AdventuresInRejection.com
Also, listen to Andrea Waltz, co-author of “Go for No” in episode 17.
Listen to our episode on How to Never Be Rejected Again
Get the “Go for No” book that inspired Leo